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公司名称: DongGuan AnXin Water Retaining Co.,Ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 2005 
注册资金: 100万 - 250万 
员工数量: 51 - 100 人 
年销售额: 大于1亿 
主要产品: 农用保水剂 Water Retaining agent
高吸水性树脂 Super absorbent polymer(SAP)  
公司简介: Our company produce water retaining agent for agriculture , super absorbent polymer for industry ,It contains lots of hydrophilic groups and excellent molecule structure.

It can absorb hundred times of water of its own weight in a short time,and release afterwards slowly when the plant need and absorb *域名隐藏* is use in agriculture and forestry ,it can create a good growing environment for the plant to increase the survival rate and Fruit-bearing rate.

Product Characteristic:

1. Be used in agriculture and forestry Industries, such as:Crops, garden, nursery, flower, lawn, fruit trees, forestry industries and Transportation of seedling etc.

2. Super absorbent ability, can absorb water up to several hundred times of its weight in a short time.

3. Can resist droughts, preserve water and nutrition, improve soil quality, save water and fertilizer increase crop output.

4. Contains nutrition, also can use with any fertilizer and pesticide.

5. Non-toxic, harmless, nonpolluting. 
DongGuan AnXin Water Retaining Co.,Ltd / 广东 / 广州市东风东路707号自动化大厦1705 () / 电话:020-37652904-107

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